One-third of women in the UK will have an abortion before their 45th
birthday (Hannah Thomson, Midwife Practitioner, British Pregnancy
Advisory Service; and Maternity Advocate).
This statistic is shocking, not because of the number of people
having abortions, but because it exposes how very few people feel
comfortable sharing their experience.
"What occurs during childbirth teaches the woman about herself and
about how her culture values motherhood" (Reed, Reclaiming Birth as
a Rite of Passage). This is as true for childbirth as it is for
abortion––so what are people experiencing abortion learning about
themselves and how their society values them?
The stigma surrounding abortion poses a serious threat to the way in
which people will perceive themselves, their bodies and their power.
Our national healthcare system treats abortion as a one-point
medical solution, neglecting to support the emotional and spirtual
transformation of the person undergoing a termination (Zachi,
abortion doula
After researching rites of passage across cultures and religions,
what has emerged is that a crucial aspect to make a successful
passage is that it is necessary for the individuals undergoing the
transformation to receive support and affirmation from their
community. This is an aspect that is currently missing within our
healthcare system as people are made to have to go through this
transformation on their own or in secrecy for fear of being shamed.
Could creating a community-lead support group help individuals feel
better held when going through an abortion? And together, can we
empower people to celebrate their choice and their right to choose?
・・・ we ran tracing spaces in october 2021.
read more here